Joyful Storytime--Outdoor Edition

10:30 AM - 11:15 AM

Event Details

Open to children up to 5 years old, accompanied by an adult. Registration required. Outdoor story time- look for us outside, under the canopy of trees. Bring a towel, yoga mat or blanket. Enjoy an interactive program that promotes early learning and a happy heart and mind! 

Stories to inspire curiosity and joy

. Songs, sign language and fingerplay

. Balance & movement games

. Guardians must remain present.

. Sponsored by the Atlantic County Library Foundation

. All programs subject to change or cancellation

Event Type(s): Storytime
Age Group(s): Children
Atlantic County Library System/Brigantine
(609) 266-0110

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Registration begins 7/28/2024 at 9:30 AM

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