Classic Movie Matinee

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Mays Landing Branch
Mays Landing Meeting Room

Event Details

Open to adults 18 and older. Registration required. Let the stars of the Golden Age sing, dance, and keep you in suspense during our classic movie matinee. Snacks provided. Please advise staff of food allergies. Sponsored by the Atlantic County Library Foundation. 

1/12/2024: It Happened One Night
2/23/2024: The Thin Man
3/22/2024: Top Hat
4/19/2024: Arsenic and Old Lace
5/17/2024: Citizen Kane
6/28/2024: The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
7/26/2024: 'Dial M for Murder'
8/23/2024: The Quiet Man
9/20/2024: 12 Angry Men
10/18/2024: Psycho
11/15/2024: To Kill a Mockingbird
12/13/2024: It's a Wonderful Life

Event Type(s): Movie - Adult
Age Group(s): Adults
Atlantic County Library System/Mays Landing Branch
(609) 625-2776 ext. 6304

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